AMTD Education | Welcoming the 2nd cohort of 3 postdoctoral AMTD Scholars
The start of the term hustle and bustle brings with it a sense of excitement; especially for three new AMTD scholars, who are joining the University postdoctoral community. Last year in 2020, four postdocs already began their fellowship, all funded by the prestigious AMTD Waterloo Global Talent Postdoctoral Fellowship. The AMTD fellowship program, which provides postdocs with an annual salary of $75,000 plus a $7,500 engagement fund, has been made possible by a generous donation from the AMTD Charity Foundation, led by Waterloo alumnus Dr. Calvin Choi (BA ’01).

“The University continues to be enormously proud of its AMTD program. For the second consecutive year, the AMTD Postdoctoral program attracted an outstanding pool of applicants from which three exceptional scholars were selected to join the University. We are eager to see these two cohorts advance the Program's impact, both individually, and as a community of scholars," Jeff Casello, associate vice-president, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, said.
He goes on to say that “as we look forward, we are thrilled to announce that next year's program will grow in numbers and in its inclusivity. Once again, Dr. Choi through the AMTD foundation has demonstrated his commitment to the University and our collective goals of advancing equity and diversity by funding an additional postdoctoral award to support Black and Indigenous scholars. We thank Dr. Choi for his generosity and acknowledge how this contribution accelerates the important work that continues at Waterloo in ending systemic racism."
Dr. Calvin Choi, founder and donor of the AMTD fellowship program, said, "I warmly congratulate the winners of this fellowship. AMTD, Waterloo, and I look forward to working with these scholars to contribute to the diverse development of mankind and the sustainable development of the world."
Meet the 2021 recipients of the AMTD Waterloo Global Talent Postdoctoral Fellowship:
Anwar Jaber
Anwar Jaber is based in the School of Architecture where, with Professor Robert Jan van Pelt, she’ll pursue research on the role that architecture plays in cities facing political transitions and extreme conditions, focusing on museums that aim to address national narratives of war, memory and violence.
Milad Nazarahari
Milad Nazarahari is a part of the Mechanical and Mechatronics department, working alongside Professor Arash Arami, to advance the medical community’s capacity to engage intelligent robots and biofeedback in developing affordable and accessible technology to support the rehabilitation of stroke patients in Canada.
Chad Walker
Chad Walker conducts interdisciplinary research investigating how Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES) — projects that combine smart technology with sustainable, local energy production and management — can create just and inclusive clean energy systems. Chad will work with Professor Ian Rowlands in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability.
The 2022 application process for AMTD scholar has now launched. Applicants to the AMTD Fellowship must have the support from a University of Waterloo researcher; the application deadline is November 18, 2022. This program is intended to be the premier award for postdocs in Canada, and the support reflects this goal. The AMTD fellowship has an annual salary of $75,000 plus $7,500 engagement fund, plus access to additional dissemination fund. These values exceed the Tri-Agency Banting levels of support. For additional details, visit the University of Waterloo AMTD website: